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Imagine if you had the ability to connect remotely to anyone on the planet to identify and remove the highest priority energetic blockages affecting that person's life. Imagine if you could connect to your OWN Higher self and receive the answer to any question and be able to take action on your intuition immediately, living in line with your soul's purpose and mission here. The truth is, you have all have these abilities, they just require to be reawakened and cultivated with some direct training and guided practice.

The 3 hour experiential training titled "How to Remove Any Energetic Blockage Permanently", originally given on September 15, 2009, is now available for download and study. If you were unable to attend this, you now have the opportunity to participate and own this webinar for your own practice and study. In this powerful training, we examined the source of why people are not free and living the lives that they desire. We talked in detail about the various types of auric attachments, karmic imprints, personas, archetypes, DNA distortions, and reverse fire letter sequences, and how these affect our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual existences.

The technique for clearing these energetic blockages on all 15 levels of your multidimensional anatomy as well as unplugging it from the neural nets of your brain was given and all participants practiced this, with verification and feedback. By listening to the webinar and practicing along, you will learn quickly how to read energy signatures in your hands, connecting to your Higher self, and getting verification from your higher self when identifying various energetic blockages and the quantum release of these.

We then took specific issues from the participants and I demonstrated how we go about clearing these, and everyone present was tuned into the person's Higher self, monitoring the clearing. In this way, you can get verification of what you are sensing is accurate, and this practice helps to increase your confidence and clarity. The person RECEIVING the clearing also gave THEIR feedback and experience, so that you have immediate confirmation that what you are doing is "working". So not only is this a training, when you listen you will also receive energetic healings for your highest priority issues.

You will come away from this training with a powerful way to work on yourself daily, to incorporate these techniques into your healing practice, and with ideas on how you can assist humanity daily in raising frequency towards ascension by clearing the past collective ids and drama.

The most beneficial thing that you will gain from this training is a way to clear any energetic blockage that may be in your way to MANIFEST what you truly desire YOURSELF. If you are trying to manifest something in life and it is not happening, there is always some type of energetic blockage in the way. So in this training, you will learn how to find out if there is indeed a blockage, and then powerful ways to immediately clear this, and then VERIFY that it is gone. Once the blockage is cleared, your intent and manifestations can solidify here in the 3D and you'll notice that your life flows in line with Divine Right Order and your soul's mission and purpose.

We also covered the manifestation technique using the tri-veca code, did a manifestation for each person, and then cleared all possible blockages to the manifestation.

This webinar is priceless for anyone desiring to learn how to manifest, clear themselves and others, and EMBODY their Higher self. It is a full 3 hours long and once you order it from the Online Store, you will be sent the link to download it.

Click here to order the webinar. Then login to the Online Store -> Classes -> How to Remove Any Energetic Blockage Permanently. Once you order this, the link will be sent for you to download it.

I salute you for your commitment to work on yourself and I look forward to you owning this tool for your own evolution.

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Komentar Para Tamu

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