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Ivonne Delaflor, Swami Amenai, author, teacher, and spiritual practitioner is a Total Awareness™ Certified Coach, Reiki master and a certified Parent Talk trainer and Director of the Parent Talk System in Mexico. In 2002, as a strong supporter of Conscious Evolution and God’s Realization for all children of the world, Ivonne founded the Mastery Life, a nonprofit organization based in Mexico, whose main intention is to share conscious tools with fellow human beings—especially the tools that can assist in the wonderful journey of parenthood to guide children to their full potential as blessed human beings.

She is the Co-Founder, along with Swami Shivananda Brahmananda, (Toby D. Alexander), of The Higher School for Conscious Evolution.

Called by her friends “a modern female saint” for her active work with parents and children she is a survivor of a near-death experience at the age of eighteen that turned her life into a spiritual mission and quest. She began to meet and study one on one with recognized spiritual teachers worldwide and today shares her passion through offering workshops and intuitive wisdom in respecting and allowing both children and adults to be who they really are.

Ivonne is the creator of the twelve-module workshop, Rediscovering Yourself through Your Personal Power. She is also the author of Your Soulmate Called God, [and the Spanish translation] La Maestria de La Vida published in Mexico; The Positive Child through the Language of Love; Mastering Life; and INDIA; The Journey of a Lifetime. These books are available at and and at major bookstores. She is currently working on a workbook entitled Practical Exercises for the Positive Child for Body, Mind, and Spirit, the profits of which will go to the orphanage La Casita de Cancun.

She also is co-authoring the book The Spiritual Face of Autism, and the book Listen To Children that will be available soon. She has recently published Invitation to Love, dictated through her by automatic writing by Sri Babaji Nagaraj, and co-authored with Swami Amarananda the book, Sacred Messages For the Parents of the World. Ivonne conducts regular workshops around the world with Swami Shivananda Brahmananda, and through her Mastery Life Organization assists spiritual teachers such as Doreen Virtue, Chick Moorman, Alan Cohen, Toby Alexander and many others to share their wisdom in raising the consciousness and awareness that through love, children will evolve and teach us their peaceful ways.

She offers private Inner Awakening Soulmate sessions along with Toby Alexander, which are a true gateways of receiving shaktipat and awakening inner unconditional love to the sacred self and all beings, while removing blockages in the way towards the manifestation of the ultimate Soulmate as god and love.

A percentage of the profits of her new books will be donated to Habitat for Humanity and Food Relief International Charities and for the creation of several centers that will host the Higher School For Conscious Evolution and its students who desire to live and work actively there. Ivonne currently lives with her two children in California. You may contact her through her website: or you can send an e-mail to

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